Migration guide for v2.x
- Always make a database and file backup before updating your installation!
- There is no automatic update tool, updating FoodCoopShop needs to be done manually. But it's not too hard and this migration guide helps you.
- Updating from 2.x to 2.y are possible. E.g. from 2.1.x to 2.6.x directly.
FCS v2.6.x to FCS v2.7.x
- replace source code => see bottom of page
- execute migrations => see bottom of page
FCS v2.5.x to FCS v2.6.x
- replace source code => see bottom of page
- execute migrations => see bottom of page
- legacy password hashing (introduced in v2.3) method was removed. If you don't update regularly, your users can't login anymore and might need to request a new password. You can now safely remove app.cookieKey.
FCS v2.4.x to FCS v2.5.x
- replace source code => see bottom of page
- execute migrations => see bottom of page
- PHP >= 7.2
FCS v2.3.x to FCS v2.4.x
- replace source code => see bottom of page
- execute migrations => see bottom of page
- after the migrations you can remove app.deliveryDayDelta, app.sendOrderListsWeekday and app.registrationNotificationEmails (see documentation info in app_config.php and custom_config.default.php)
- If you want to use the new single sign on for discourse forums, set
and add aapp.discourseSsoSecret
. Anleitung auf Deutsch
FCS v2.2.x to FCS v2.3.x
- replace source code => see bottom of page
- execute migrations => see bottom of page
- Enable the new cronjob handling
FCS v2.1.x to FCS v2.2.x
- replace source code => see bottom of page
- execute migrations => see bottom of page
- If the migrations fail, remove all migrations that have not run yet from table phinxlog and run them again.
- 20180720130810_RemoveOrdersTable can take some time, depending on size of table fcs_order_detail so be sure that there is no execution timeout!
- Sometimes the pickup_day in table fcs_order_detail is not set correctly. If this is the case with your installation, please remove 20180720130810_RemoveOrdersTable from table phinxlog, then edit the migration and comment these lines, run the migration, then remove the migration from table phinxlog, comment these lines and run the migration again.
- At some configurations the migrations fail the first time when they are called. Just call them a second time, then it should work.
- activate new cronjob "PickupReminder", see bottom of installation guide
- add the configuration
to your custom_config.php and change the date when your SendInvoices cronjob will first run with this update. Example: you installed v2.2 or later on 3rd April 2019: value is 2019-04-11 (11 is default day of SendInvoices) - if you have problems with the update, please create a new issue
FCS v2.0.x to FCS v2.1.x
- replace source code => see bottom of page
- execute migrations => see bottom of page
- if you have problems with the update, please create a new issue
FCS v1.5.x to FCS v2.0.x
- FCS v2.0 uses CakePHP3 which is mostly incompatible to CakePHP2
- therefore you can only update to v2.0 from v1.5!, so if you are working on v1.x and you want to update to v2.0, first update to 1.5!
- you can download v1.5 here
- replace source code => see bottom of page
- use the new structure of config files (rename custom.config.php to custom_config.php), follow the steps in the updated Installation guide
- be aware that the content of the config file changed in syntax! renaming the file to custom_config.php is not enough!
- add the following code to the top of your /webroot/.htaccess in order to redirect some urls from v1.x
RewriteRule ^admin/order_details(.*)? /admin/order-details$1 [L,R=301]
RewriteRule ^admin/action_logs(.*)? /admin/action-logs$1 [L,R=301]
RewriteRule ^admin/blog_posts(.*)? /admin/blog-posts$1 [L,R=301]
RewriteRule ^network/sync_domains(.*)? /network/sync-domains$1 [L,R=301]
RewriteRule ^admin/(.*)/index/(.+)\:(.+)/(.+)\:(.+)/(.+)\:(.+)/(.+)\:(.+)/(.+)\:(.+) /admin/$1/index/?$2=$3&$4=$5&$6=$7&$8=$9&$10=$11 [L,R=301]
RewriteRule ^admin/(.*)/index/(.+)\:(.+)/(.+)\:(.+)/(.+)\:(.+)/(.+)\:(.+) /admin/$1/index/?$2=$3&$4=$5&$6=$7&$8=$9 [L,R=301]
RewriteRule ^admin/(.*)/index/(.+)\:(.+)/(.+)\:(.+)/(.+)\:(.+) /admin/$1/index/?$2=$3&$4=$5&$6=$7 [L,R=301]
RewriteRule ^admin/(.*)/index/(.+)\:(.+)/(.+)\:(.+) /admin/$1/index/?$2=$3&$4=$5 [L,R=301]
RewriteRule ^admin/(.*)/index/(.+)\:(.+) /admin/$1/index/?$2=$3 [L,R=301]
- run migrations => see bottom of page
If you have questions, please first check existing github support issues
- I#330, I#518
- If you still have questions, please create a new issue.