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Docker Dev Environment


The provided docker configuration should not be used in production environments!

Installation on your local machine

  • Install Docker and Docker Compose
  • Create a new folder and clone the repository
  • Start containers with CURRENT_UID=$(id -u):$(id -g) docker compose up -d
  • When all containers are up and running, run: bash ./devtools/init-dev-setup.sh
  • To pouplate the database with demo data, first change Datasources default to test and test to default in your custom_config.php, then run: docker exec -w /app fcs.php bash ./bin/cake migrations seed --source Seeds/tests --seed InitTestDataSeed, then change Datasources test back to default and default back to test in your custom_config.php
  • Open http://localhost:8001 to get to the homepage
  • Open http://localhost:8080 to get to phpmyadmin of database-dev

If you add foodcoopshop.test to your hosts file, you can use http://foodcoopshop.test:8001. Do not forget to change App.fullBaseUrl to http://foodcoopshop.test:8001.

Installation on Gitpod

Open in Gitpod

  • When all containers are up and running (takes between 1 and 2 minutes), open your Bash-terminal (not the Docker-terminal) and run bash ./devtools/init-dev-setup.sh
  • In your custom_config.php, change App.fullBaseUrl to your custom Gitpod-Domain (starting with https://8001-foodcoopsho-foodcoopsho... Be careful, the domain must not end with a slash!).

Login credentials

Unit Tests

  • docker exec -w /app fcs.php php ./vendor/bin/phpunit
  • On Github Actions / Gitpod the tests need around 2 to 3 min to finish.


  • Use composer: docker exec -w /app fcs.php composer install|update|outdated
  • Use npm-check-updates: docker exec -w /app/webroot fcs.php ncu
  • Use npm: docker exec -w /app/webroot fcs.php npm install
  • Execute migrations: docker exec -w /app fcs.php bash ./bin/cake migrations migrate
  • Build assets: docker exec -w /app fcs.php bash ./bin/cake asset_compress build

Tips for using Docker on Windows

  • Install Ubuntu and switch to WSL2
  • Docker Desktop: Settings / Resources / WSL Integration: Enable integration with additional distros: Enable "Ubuntu"
  • Clone the repo and start docker from Ubuntu (1.000 times faster than if you start it in Windows)