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Installation guide

  • This installation guide always references to the latest stable version.
  • If you want to update your installation to another version, read the migration guide.
  • You can help making this open source project more visible on GitHub by starring ⭐ it.


  • Server with shell access and cronjobs
  • Webserver - Nginx or Apache
  • PHP => 8.2 (prior to v3.6 PHP 8.1)
  • PHP intl extension INTL_ICU_VERSION >= 50.1
  • PHP bzip2 lib (for automatic database backups) (prior to v3.6: PHP ZipArchive class)
  • MySQL >= 8.0
  • If you cloned the repository from Github: Node.js, npm >= v9 and Composer v2

1. Setting up your dev environment with Docker

2. Setting up your dev environment without Docker


We strongly recommend using our docker dev environment.

  • If you want to set up a dev environment, clone from Github.
  • After that, you need to manually install composer and npm vendors.
  • The main branch always equals the latest stable version provided on https://www.foodcoopshop.com/download.
  • The only difference is, that the zip file already includes the vendors which were already installed by the following commands):
composer install
npm --prefix ./webroot install ./webroot
  • So run that commands if you cloned from Github.
  • Don't forget to change app.debug to true in your custom_config.php.

Installing the latest stable version for your live server

Setting permissions

bash ./devtools/installation/set-permissions.sh


Database Setup

  • Create a new database (e.g. foodcoopshop_db)
  • Define your database configuration in custom_config.php
  • run bash ./devtools/installation/init-database.sh de_DE (locales "en_US" and "ru_RU" are also supported)
  • Import taxes for Austria: bash ./bin/cake migrations seed --seed AddTaxesAustriaSeed
  • OR Import taxes for Germany: bash ./bin/cake migrations seed --seed AddTaxesGermanySeed


Setting up cronjobs

Follow the steps of the cronjob documentation.

Testing your email configuration

Setup security keys

Open your domain https://yourdomain.tld in a browser and follow the steps shown to create secure values for the security salt Security.salt. Set it in custom_config.php

Create the valid Super Admin account

  • Open https://yourdomain.tld/sign-in in your browser and register with your personal email address (down below at "Create account")
  • After the successful registration go to your database (e.g. using Adminer or phpMyAdmin) and open the table "fcs_customer". There is one record (with your email address). Change the field "id_default_group" from 3 to 5 and the field "active" from 0 to 1.
  • Open https://yourdomain.tld/request-new-password, type in your email address and press "Send".
  • With the password that was sent to you by email you are able to login as a Super Admin.

The urls in this section depend on the locale of your installation and therefore may be different for you. The urls are constructed from translatio -settings which can be found in the "/resources/locale/country_CULTURE/default.po" file under the keys "route_sign_in" and "route_request_new_password". Example for "de_DE":

Customizing CSS

  • Change app.debug to true in your custom_config.php so that the assets (css and js) are loaded from the actual files in /css and /js (and not from /cache).
  • To re-build the assets in /cache for production, run composer build

If you downloaded the package with installed vendors from foodcoopshop.com/download, you get a "Missing Plugin DebugKit" exception when you turn app.debug to true. If you can't install composer on your server, download the package from https://github.com/cakephp/debug_kit and copy it into the plugins folder. More Details.


Good luck and thank you for using FoodCoopShop!

If you have questions, first check existing github support issues